Did you know that 70-80% of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs, i.e. diseases not transmissible from one person to another) such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer, diabetes and mental health conditions are driven by our diet and lifestyle (Factsheet World Health Organization)?
A very eye-opening statistic, but also an advantageous bit of information, because that means we have the power and control to address a lot of our health problems ourselves.
Have you considered the word “disease?”
Disease = “dis”- “ease” = imbalance
My company was founded on the basis of my personal experience that health is wealth: Without our health, we really have nothing. We cannot succeed personally or professionally. We do not effectively use our time and take medicine to cover up symptoms while not knowing which potential negative side effects await us. We also spend an increasing amount of money for healthcare (actually "sick care"), medical services, vacations or resources to feel better and find answers to why we don’t feel as good as we would like to.
Stress management, physical activity and nutrition are only three of the many levers to effectively address many of our ailments. As a certified Health Coach, I will be your guide and supportive mentor empowering you to take responsibility for your health and the achievement of your personal wellness goals.
There is no downside to health coaching. Positive effects include, but are not limited to:
Improved overall health
Improved nutrition and lifestyle habits
Reduced stress and anxiety
Peace of mind and emotional freedom
Weight loss / weight management / increased body image and self-confidence
Better skin, digestion, sleep and energy levels
Increased productivity and satisfaction
Stronger personal relationships
More time and less expenses
….all of which lead to more personal and professional health, success, happiness and wellbeing.
Change requires effort and discipline, but I will help you take small, pragmatic, realistic and suitable steps to ensure you feel healthier, happier and more successful right away.
Even with one health history session, you can gain some of the benefits I named above.
Visit my website to learn more about my company, services and background and contact me today!